Will Fleming: Two Poems
life thou art a great command
how did the rump die
has dust changed
is dust different
maybe the world’s just
lust after her stretched middle
monkey +
i / can take
his eyes
my diabetes
wood pigeons scavenging in the guts of
an opel astra carwreck
in this household every day
is national poetry day if
you’re quixotic enough, Father Leavis
the vermin got all the choicest nuts again roundly
saddled with silent ASBOs
red on the weekends
it's 11am on sunday
i’m starting work and somewhere
someone is beginning inevitably
his valiant
karl marx
walking tour
grandpa keeps chipping his teeth
on the Ai Weiwei Unilever Series Sunflower Seeds (2010)
does that make him a bigot
or this
arteries clogged with lime bikes
imagine responding to a question about
the perpetration of war crimes with the verbal tic
this is my polemic about
HypeBeast ruffage
fibre junky
jordan peterson charcuterie board
imagine being this
gaslit cuckolded
by your own representative trade union your
own democratically elected government your
own beloved sugar dad
hear me out
the strike weapon of mass destruction
explosive device improv night
indestructible plush toy
what does a
woman want anyway? how big
the big bomb?
deep down we’re really all
the same all the way through
except for my guy
seagull with the FitBit
my urinal shy
toxic trait
—three young men reenact the allegory
of the long spoons—
congratulations young boozer
where are the wives
a hopeful report on masculinity from the penal colony
is baby
all bone?
the book of love
a fifteen day junket around
the promenade of dreams
this is just the poem to give your sister—
if she’s a loud, dirty, boozy girl
greggs pastie and foul snail
just as easily a dead man’s rice
as mine own
losing, endlessly,
the In Our Time drinking
forwarding mum meme
seeing all my dear english friends affronted by
the wexford coke trawler scuttle
turning down the Saudi fringe fest
which is chicer: personal or societal crisis
the split ‘I’ or the fractured ‘we’
not a wall in town against which
to hoist my petard
turns out an XL bully won’t maul you if
the poppy
just as easily a deadman
there might well be a way to type the
classic shrug emoji in two seconds flat
but well
they’re making bagpipes without
the bags nowadays/
they’re bombing fuck out of hospitals
still waiting to
be fairly
recorded in the book of love
recount the tale of the archive
restoration project again,
like a bedtime story,
on the superhighway of dreams and
multidirectional service stations
of dreams
my brother in
Happy Birthday, Peanuts!
Will Fleming is a poet and Teaching Fellow in the School of English at Trinity College Dublin. He completed his PhD on Irish experimental poetry and economics at UCL in 2023. His poetry is published (or forthcoming) in The Stinging Fly, The Stony Thursday Book, .pdf, Gorse, Icarus and elsewhere.